Monday, 24 January 2011

Friday, 21 January 2011

Thursday, 20 January 2011

well no!

But it is time for leaving


ready to go, and a hat

I cannot believe time has been literally flying these last weeks, with the preparations, lots of things at work, a bit of family worries and the unravelling course... All this made me have really little time for anything ese. But I'm quite happy as well, and know I have a bit of more "me time" ahead.

Knit-wise i have finished a hat for P


a really nice and simple pattern "Christopher by Jane Richmond" (Ravelry link), that I bought sometimes ago for its stripines and the fact that it is double-sided


The wool was chosen and more length added, and in the end it came out quite well. Unfortunately it looked awful on the owner, so I frogged and made another, more comfortable hat wih the blue wool.

Anyhow I plan to make more of these hats, and with stripes!, as it is an easy and really nice knit!

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


That's how it is since quite a long time....


Monday, 3 January 2011

lucky girl

Today I found a mail in my box in Ravelry.

I'm the lucky winner of a pattern in a draw from the group 10 shawls in 2010....

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Ah, by the way, the color of the year 2011 is red-orange for me!
(thanks to Susannah Conway for the suggestion)

My word of the year is Change

Change - noun
1. the act or instance of making or becoming different
2. coins as opposed to paper currency
3. an order in which a peal of bells can be rung
4. a place where merchants met to do business
(from Oxford dictionary)


Sunday, 2 January 2011

starting the new year

This year I have joined the unravelling e-course by Susannah Canway.
I am thrilled and looking forward to start this adventure.


Saturday, 1 January 2011

A knitting

To start the knitting year propery, let’s start with a summary from last year achievements. I do not intend this to be a show off of what I did, knitting is not a competition, is a good way to meditate, relax, enjoy yourself AND try to produce something beautiful. By the way this something may be also useful, which is an added value, and what I really like is to give my knits away and have them used by somebody.

Most of the items below are already with somebody else, in use and (hopefully) loved.

So let’s start the summary of the 2010 knitting (this means projects finished in 2010, some of the earlier ones were cast on in 2009 or even before!).

I have divided it into three groups, just to have the photos up.

First group are the shawls knitted for the 10 shawls in 2010 group.


I think I have developed a love for shawls, and I have giftem many of them away, to spread the shawl habit. I’m thinking of participating in the 11 shawls in 2011, just for fun, and I will not feel compelled to finish it.

Second group is hats! This is my favourite item to knit, mos of them are WW designs (I do like to participate to the wonderful monthly KAL, where there are lots of ovely people to knit and chat with). Some are improvised hats. The total is 12 hats, an average of one a month. For next year Id like to knit at least 12 hats again, using nice yarns and learning new techniques.


Third group is all the rest: this year I knitted one sweater and two boleros, one in fine white lace yarn for a friend’s wedding! I’m very happy with all them, and actually I have almost finished another sweater (which will be finished this year). So on this front I have made many progresses, and really am happy to be now able to achieve some larger projects, no matter how reduced may my knitting time be.


I also knitted a scarf, a cowl and crocheted another scarf! Crochet was a try, I can say I remember how to do it, but I prefer knitting. Nonetheless I adore all those beautiful croscheted colored blankets, and maybe, who know, next year I may even try one!


Very last item, finished yesterday, is a baby pullover. Isn’t it tiny and beautiful?