Wednesday, 29 January 2014

CV - motion

This week Corner view theme suits me more than perfectly, as I'm traveling around like mad lately. Not that I travel long distances, but I indeed move between houses quite a lot. Let's hope to achieve some peace soon…..

OK, I know, I shouldn't take pictures while driving…..

Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

CV - The colors of january

Sorry for using photos from last year…..

The colors of january here in Pavia are usually bleak, but when the sun comes out it's all magic!

PS And these are the colors in Australia in January

Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

CV - A good read

The Corner view theme this weeks suits me quite a lot: I love reading, and I had said I was going to make, now and then, a recapitulation of what I did in 2013, just to keep the memories. So it's not a dull list, but simply a way to … write down memories, which is partly what is about reading. If I may say….

2013 has been a very good reading year, with a grand total of 26 books read. In part this is due to me having now an e-book reader (actually I bought it two years ago), which has allowed me to always have a book in my purse, which is quite handy considering that I happen to travel unexpectedly and leave without passing from home so often. Of course I do continue to read paper books, which I love immensely.

My reads where quite hectic as usual: a lot of relaxing mystery books (All the Chesterton "Padre Brown misteries", two books from Andrea Camilleri, a favorite of mine), some thought-provoking books (I loved Serena Dandini's "Dai diamanti non nasce niente", Trevor waldock's "to plant a walnut tree", Nicolai Lilin's "educazione siberiana" and Frank Mc Court's "Le ceneri di Angela". Finally a book I loved a lot was by Chade-Meng Tang,  "Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)", that despite the title is a witty and interesting book, about aman working for google. Titels are in the language I read the book in :-)! Finally I read a couple of sic-fi books, a genre I do love quite a lot!

Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Take time….

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes.
Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let
reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in
whatever way they like.”

– Lao-Tzu

I'm reading this from Leo Babuta in his "Focus - A simplicity manifesto" - free version.
All these things are known, but they are put together so beautifully here. A refreshing read.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

CV- Light and darkness

And so a new Corner View year starts! Happy new year to all readers and corner-viewers, it is great to find you all for another year….
"Light and darkness" seems the perfect theme for a new start, last year was full of shadows and happenings, and maybe now the time to harvest plenty of initiated and not terminated things has come? Let's walk towards it and see what happens…...

Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

New Year resolutions

So it's that time again, a new year has started, and I think: "uh, oh, it's months I don't' update the blog. This year I'll be more caring for that blog, and I'll post more often". Well, let's see if this is going to be the case!
For sure in the next days I'll write about my 2013 accomplishments (at least knitting-wise), and maybe I'll say something about plans and dreams.
Last year has been really busy and full of things happening, the big things are still there to be accomplished, but a lot of forward motion happened last year, so that now I shall have some results this year, at least if no surprises happen!
So stay tuned….