Tuesday, 27 October 2009

some finished objects...

After a writing hyatus, due to crazy working schedules, I'm back on knitting, and have something to show you.
I'm very pleased with it, and considering that it took me less than a month, I'm proud of myself.

Let me introduce you my latest accomplishment:

And also indulge on some details

And finally have the full view:

It's Ysolda teague's "hap blanket" (Rav link) knitted with 8mm needles, using two wools I had in stash (with no names of brands or any other information). The pattern is in Little Whimsical knits 1, and it is the less well written I have done so far. No complains, anyway, as it was quite clear and absolutely nice to knit, but there is an error (row 5 and subsequent correspondents should be purled and not knitted), and there were a lot of "sending back to previous row" type of instructions. Despite this, I'm VERY happy of the result, and would consider to knit another.

It went to my dad for his birthday, and he liked it a lot!

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