Working together, sharing experiences and stories, enjoying life, experimenting!
Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.
Last week was full of events, dramas, accomplishments, decisions, a really full life!
So on sunday there was much need of a break, of staying with good friends, and giving some origins to thoughts, leaving all those "difficult" things away for a day.
we visited friends, had a great lunch which, amongst other delicious things, involved home-made gnocchi
and I had a course on how to make pasta, all for myself. I actually helped in the process, learnt the recipe (easy peasy, 1 kg flour, 3 eggs, water (and, in this case, some borragine)).
Everything was ready:
so my 87 years old teacher, which was patient and precise, showed me what and how to do:
you put the eggs with the flour,
add the herbs, and start mixing from the center
when the pasta is ready, you make the sheets, starting with having them thicker, and going down thickness when they are ready,
(and I dutifuly operated the pasta machine). Then it's time to cut the tagliatelle and the spaghetti!
Let them dry suspended for a day or two. It is surely going to be delicious!
In the afternoon we chatted a lot with visiting relatives and friends, spent some time in the garden, enjoying the first sun. Even the dog had a lot of fun!
Oh, so many memories and not so many photos on hand……
But these old boots, I have walked so many kilometer with thems, represent well a part of the ongoing voyage!
Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.
Slow is one of my favorite words, in its many meanings, especially number one shades are so appealing to me, as they imply savoring things.
slow |slō|adjective1 movingoroperating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast: a time when diesel cars were slowand noisy | a slow dot-matrix printer.
• taking a long timetoperform a specified action: she was a slow reader | [ with infinitive ] : large organizations can beslow to change.> • (of a playing field) likely to make the ball bounce or run slowly or to prevent competitors from traveling fast.> 2 [ predic. or as complement ] (of a clock or watch) showing a time earlier than the correct time: the clock was five minutes slow.
3 not prompt to understand, think, or learn: he's so slow, so unimaginative.4 uneventful and rather dull: a slow and mostly aimless narrative.• (of business) with little activity; slack: sales were slow. 5 Photography (of a film) needing long exposure.• (of a lens) having a small aperture. >
6 (of a fire or oven) burning or giving off heat gently: bake the dish in a preheated slow oven.> adverbat a slow pace; slowly: the train went slower and slower | [ in combination ] : a slow-moving river.verb [ no obj. ]reduce one's speed or the speed of a vehicle or process: the train slowed to a halt | investment has slowed down | [ with obj. ] : he slowed the car.• (slow down/up) live or work less actively or intensely: I wasn't feeling well and had to slow down. Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.
I have been having problems with my eyes lately. It seems that I'm entering that part of life in which the near vision is compromised, and so I can no longer wear my glasses to read, I have to take them off, as my left eye sees badly with them on. I suspect I shall soon get new glasses in order to read…. hopefully not too soon ;-)
Besides the glasses, my world vision changes over the years, as I have been documenting for the last 4 years with my 365 project!
Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.