Sunday, 26 September 2010

travelling woman

Oh, my, 20 days without a post! Well, it has been an incredibly busy time, and it is still being so! Work and family are demanding at the most, but I was lucky to have friends visiting (and expecting a few ones soon) and also some good things happening in the deluge of things.
Knitwise I have been productive, and I have several projects on the needles right now!

I managed to finish something for a dear friend respecting an important deadline, and I'll be able to wrtite about it soon.

Today I show you my last shawl, traveling woman by Liz abinante.


It is a simple and effective patern, well written and clear.


Photos are bit bad, but I took them with my little snapper (forgot the camera at my parents, this is the signal of how tired I am: HOW could I?).

The wool I used is Araucania Ranco Multi, and I'm very pleased of it: nice colours,
In order to use it all, I bound off at the very last moment, and of course the wool finished before the end of the shawl...


But I went to my trusty compuer and visited the yarn halot for a nice solution


the crochet cast off saved me beautifully.


Ah, life is so hard!



try2knit said...

Che brividabadibido..
è meraviglioso!!

Francesca Marano said...

Come mi piace! E' un po' che ce l'ho in coda e mi toccherà... Grazie anche per la soluzione al filo corto in chiusura!

Lisa Gordon said...

The shawl is just beautiful!

Tzugumi said...

Ossigur....è splendido! Non sai da quanto vorrei fare anch'io il qui a Trieste una lana del genere non si trova per niente...mi sa che devo cominciare ad ordinare online!