Before leaving I managed to send to M the shawl I knitted for her!

It's another stipey shawl, this time no pattern, but if you want to make one, here it goes, it's a simple recipe.

- cast on 3, knit 6 rows, pick up 3 sts from side + 3 from cast on (9 sts total).
- leaving a border of two knit stitches, knit one row, purl another (to have stocking stitch), or knit all rows (to have garter). Alternate stocking stitch bands and colors at your will, just following the inspiration.
- increase 4 stitches every other row (better if on the knit side...), two stistches near the borders (i.e. k2, kf&b k), and the other two on either side of center stitch (you can put a marker to remember which one it is, better use two markers, and kf&b when you reach them, on either side of central stitch). I used k1f&b as increase, as I didn't want holes.
Have fun! :-)

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