Tuesday, 8 May 2012

recent reads


Lately I have been so busy I didn't write here. But I managed to finish a great book, "il mio nome è rosso" ("My name is red?", that's the literal translation, and very often, I wonder why, titles are totally different in different languages!), by Orhan Pamuk. Added: oh, I just checked, the title is the same in English.

This book fascinated me, I really liked it a lot, maybe because it is clever! Besides the interesting plot, and notwithstanding (or maybe aso because) its slowness, it captured me because the author is just SO good in showing the different perspectives about the story.

It took me three or four chapters to get involved, but then I couldn't stop. This is a book I can recommend, though I suspect that it could be one of those book that you could hate at the first page, but this wasn't the case for me.

Oh, well, as you can see I was also knitting the day in which I took the photo, so be prepared to some knitting soon!

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