Wednesday, 12 June 2013

CV - Europe

Europe is my home, I still remember when the Euro came into life, I was working in France and all became suddenly so much easier.

(Amalfi, Italy)

And no more customs when moving.

(Paris, France)

And the proudness of being part of something bigger, different but united.

(Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic)

Of course there is still much a way to go, but so much has been done! I like Europe, I'm convinced it is the right way to go, and maybe you should know a little bit more about it too!

(Nurnberg, Germany)

Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.


Menthe Blanche said...

I'm like you, I am a 'convinced European'!

Ale said...

hmmm... I donno... I'm a bit nostalgic for the Lira and the franc etc... but I'm old fashioned like that. :)

Karyn Taylor-Moore said...

I wish I lived in Europe!! Those gorgeous buildings, all that amazing history. I live in a very 'new' country - New Zealand. we have very few buildings older than 100 years . . .

simply bev said...

You live in a beautiful place full of amazing history and art. How lucky!

shayndel said...

Looks like a great adventure and very homey too to live in Europe!!

Thank you too for the fun comment, and for understanding what I thought was an abstract post, it made me happy that you saw the sprinkles as stars!

Kristin said...

An anaconda in Nuremberg ... what it is not everything! I hope she was found again.

Tzivia said...

It's nice for me as an American to hear your perspective on the Euro as a uniting force. Thanks for pointing out how currency can bring awareness to the beauty of joining our varied cultures together, when so much in the world these days seems set on pulling us apart because of our surface differences!

Redeker said...

I love europe too, with all the differents, but than...i'm born here... but i would love to live in england, that's my favorite country...the mystic and all that!

Beth said...

Wow! That first photo is incredible! You are blessed for sure!:>)

likeschocolate said...

I like Europe too even though it isn't my home.

Francesca said...

totally with you!

Le monde dÖ said...

L'Europe est une belle chose... à construire et nous avons notre petite pierre à y apporter !

Unknown said...

Totally with you...but a bit afraid at the moment...

nadine paduart said...

image 3.
is that the palace in warszaw???

Kari said...

lovely words - bigger, different but united. I like Europe too. I have so much more to see though.