Wednesday, 26 June 2013

CV - five things about me

1. In winter I exclusively wear trousers and striped socks


In summer I love dresses


2. I'm building a huge curtain using bottle caps (see my life list, it's somewhere there!)


3. I spy rocks


4.  I love photography (also knitting, but it doesn't count here....)


5. I would love to raise my chickens


Corner view is a weekly appointment hosted by Francesca at Fuoriborgo, where lovely participants from all over the world gather together once a week to share incredible ideas and experiences.


Alla said...

chickens really? I had 5 chicks as "pets" when I was little, then they grew up and I didn't want them anymore... so grandma gave them to the neighbors who I'm sure ate them...

Beth said...

W have just bought a house on 8.2 acres and one of my dreams/goals has been to raise my own chickens. So hopefully it will now come true.

Delightful and different were your things! Quite interesting and fun!:>)

Heather said...

What a fun list! Great floors in the top two as well. I'd love to have some chickens, but I live in an area where it's not permittied :-(

Francesca said...

same here: only pants in winter, though I do love the idea of a warm dress and thick tights, but I just know that nothing other than pants would be warm or thick enough for me!
i'm curious about your curtain, how far along are you with the project?
PS i found a great yarn shop in Florence, great prices, and great sales (€2 for 400gr skeins of end of stock dye lot yarns) Campolmi Roberto Filati.

nadine paduart said...

i like your five things, they are filled to the brim with quirks, and i just love that.
a bottle cap curtain, ... yey...! (have no idea, actually)8104pgthers
enjoy your part of the world, gissy

tanïa said...

Ha, I love striped socks, too! Not only in winter... ;o)

simply bev said...

Love your self-portrait! I don't have striped socks, but I exclusively wear thick wooly rag cotton or rag wool socks in winter. My favorites!

likeschocolate said...

I would love to have chickens too, but sadly my HOA will not allow it.

Redeker said...

what a great list!
and nice to read the 5 things about you, can you have chickens at your place?
great photo's!